Industry 4.0

The Malaysia National Policy on Industry 4.0(Industry4WRD)  is a proactive initiative undertaken by the Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) to transform the Malaysian manufacturing industry. Under this initiative, numerous attractive grants and incentives are readily available to manufacturers.

Smart Automation, Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 - the terms may change, but it is always about the seamless connection between machines and humans. Adopting such measures allows manufacturing to be more flexible, efficient & effective, enabling manufacturing advancements never thought possible. Enge Plas, as a smart automation solution provider, is looking forward to helping you embark on your smart transformation, and at the same time, be heavily incentivised by the government.

We'll update more news about industry automation products and ideas, based on different concepts of Industry 4.0.  For any clarifications, please reach out to your friendly Enge Plas sales representative. We also welcome feedback on the types of articles you like to see more of or less of !

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